Robert Hampton

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13th June 2011

Be prepared
Posted by at 11.21pm | No responses | Gay, In the News

Reports in the press suggest that the Scouts are encouraging gay members. Yes, really – the Scouts!

According to spokesman Simon Carter, “we are keen to make it clear that we accept people of any particular orientation.” And they seem to be serious about it – members and leaders have marched in Pride parades, the chief commissioner has filmed an anti-bullying video for Stonewall, and the Scouts’ web site has a whole section for LGBT issues. So if you’re a boy who really does enjoy Scouting for Boys, you will have no problem here.

At first glance, it seems odd that an organisation with a Christian heritage (atheists are still officially banned) are embracing such a policy, but it’s nice to see hard evidence that “religion” does not have to equal “hates the gays”. Sadly, Scout movements elsewhere are less enlightened – the Boy Scouts of America organisation bans “Known or avowed homosexuals”.

Meanwhile, I am really resisting the urge to do an unsavoury woggle reference.

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